TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - You people know what and how Billy B writes.
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Subject You people know what and how Billy B writes.
Posted by CaptK(ATL) on June 04, 2003 at 2:46 PM
  This message has been viewed 77 times.
In Reply To what a waste of time reading that (n/m) posted by Rbadger on June 04, 2003 at 02:38 PM
Message Why do you continue to read it and then bitch about it when you're done. You have no one to blame but yourself. These stories are good, cheap fun.

BTW (for the admins), seeing as how every single one of Billy B's stories are Z related, why is it that they always seem to get deleted? From here on out, I am saving all of these classics on my computer. In fact, Billy B, if you need a host for your stories, let me know. I will put them on my site if you'd like.


Click on the pic to go to my website.

"You ain't gots a turbo or nuttin, but da FMIC is pimpalistic to da hizzilt foo. Den, fo finishin tuch, drop dat whip to da street yo. You be strayt ballin, fo shizzo my nizzo."

"use the tool for it's designated purpose. ie; a hair brush does make a nice didlo, but it fixes your hair even better."

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